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Art of Becoming a Top Bridge Player [Punch/Rees]

AUD $  26.99

Dr. Samantha Punch has interviewed many of the world’s top bridge personalities. The players discuss their approach to the game, including subjects such as improving your game, coping with mistakes and emotions, how to become a good partner in a successful partnership, dealing with pressure and coping with loss.

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This book aims to show aspiring and expert players how they might develop their game and improve their partnership dynamics. It covers the non-technical aspects of the game, helping players and partnerships to become the best they can be. At the top level, these ‘small gains’ can make the difference between winning and losing.

"Whether you are a top player, or an aspiring bridge player near the start of your journey, or, perhaps even especially, a non-bridge player, you will find Sam and Tim’s insights absolutely fascinating."
Andrew Robson

"The opportunity to read how so many great players approach different aspects of the game is not only interesting, but highly educational."
Roy Welland

"Let Samantha show you how to not only win all the postmortems, but how to also be considered a true winner by your partners, teammates and even your opponents."
Sabine Auken

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More Information
Author Samantha Punch and Tim Rees
Difficulty Everyone
Topic Tournament Bridge
Publisher Master Point Press
Date Published 2024
Pages 168

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