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25 Bridge Conventions for ACOL Players [Landy/Horton/Seagram]

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If you're like most beginning bridge players, you want to know more about bidding systems, and especially conventions.

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Even if you just play socially, it can't hurt to add a few choice gadgets to your bidding arsenal. This book describes and explains 25 basic conventions that you can easily assimilate into your own bidding.

Each one is clearly and simply explained, and you'll see how it fits in the ACOL system if you decide to use it. Each chapter includes a helpful summary of key points and a quiz with full explanations of all the answers.

The conventions discussed in this book are:

  1. Acol Two Bids
  2. The 2♣ Opening Bid
  3. Blackwood
  4. Stayman
  5. Takeout Doubles
  6. Reverses
  7. Negative Doubles
  8. Red-Suit Transfers Over 1NT
  9. Jacoby 2NT
  10. Splinter Bids
  11. Cuebid Raises
  12. Protection
  13. Trial Bids
  14. Cuebids to Slam
  15. Grand Slam Force
  16. Landy
  17. Michaels Cuebids
  18. Unusual Notrump
  19. Meckwell
  20. Roman Key Card Blackwood
  21. Fourth Suit Forcing
  22. Bidding Over a 2NT Opening
  23. Weak Two Bids
  24. Lead-Directing Doubles
  25. Rubensohl

Also available in a standard bidding (5-card Majors, 15-17 NT) edition.

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More Information
Author Sandra Landy / Mark Horton / Barbara Seagram
Difficulty Intermediate
Topic Bidding Conventions
Publisher Master Point Press
Date Published 2006
Pages 210

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