Crazy bridge is a fun variation of everyday bridge you can play with friends in a social setting. Some of the conventional bridge rules are changed every round.
Round 1 | Order of suits are reversed; so 1NT is the lowest bid. |
Round 2 | Value of the cards is reversed; 2 is highest to Ace being lowest. |
Round 3 | Pass, X and XX as normal, otherwise bid with spot cards. Any 7 = 1NT Any 8 = 2NT Any 9 = 3NT etc |
Round 4 | Pass your hand to your RHO after the auction is complete but the contract is still played by the pair who bid it. |
Round 5 | Pass 2 cards to your LHO after the auction. |
Round 6 | Partners swap one card with each other after the auction. |
Round 7 | Play a 2 at any point without it being a revoke. |
Round 8 | You must, if possible, play a higher card than RHO. If you are void, you must ruff. |
Round 9 | Partner of the person who wins the tricks leads to the next trick. |
Round 10 | Even tricks are played anti-clockwise. |
Round 11 | Opening leader becomes dummy after the lead but that pair is still defending. |
Round 12 | At the end of the auction, declarer places one of his cards face down and can be used as a joker at any time. |