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Winning Notrump Leads [Bird/Anthias]

AUD $  16.49

A new approach to analysing and discussing the best opening leads.

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In this revolutionary approach to Opening Leads theory, the authors used a computer to generate 5000 deals consistent with the North-South bidding they were to lead agains. The West hand remained the same though.

Then the computer played these deals automatically, seeing which of the 13 possible opening leads worked best at both IMPs and Matchpoints. By analysing the results, the authors had robust data to conclude what the winning leads were. This was repeated a wide range of different auctions.

For example, suppose the bidding goes 1NT-3NT and you have to find an opening lead from this hand:

♠J86 95 KQ72 ♣KJ72

You may be surprised to hear that the 6 of the spades is the best lead at both IMPs and MPs the heart 9 is the second-best lead.

A lot of the recommendations in this book are non-conformist and considered anti-establishment but the book will certinaly provoke thought and improve your defense.

This is the companion book to Winning Suit Contract Leads.

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More Information
Author David Bird / Taf Anthias
Difficulty Advanced
Topic Defense
Publisher Master Point Press
Date Published 2011

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