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Advanced Bridge Defense: Part 2 - Counting [Kantar]

AUD $  13.49

The second set of chapters from the award-winning book.

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Eddie Kantar Teaches Advanced Bridge Defense Part 2: Counting includes:

Chapter 3: Counting Distribution

  1. Major suit openings 
  2. Notrump openings 
  3. Minor suit openings
  4. The opening lead 
  5. The count signal 
  6. The wrap-up
  7. Practice Hands
  8. Test Yourself
  9. Solutions
  10. Key Ideas

Chapter 4: Counting Tricks

  1. Clues from the bidding
  2. Clues from the dummy
  3. Clues from the first trick
  4. Counting dummy's suit 
  5. Counting declarer's suit
  6. Counting trump tricks
  7. When dummy's long suit can be established
  8. Practice Hands 
  9. Test Yourself
  10. Solutions 
  11. Key Ideas

Chapter 5: Counting High Card Points

  1. Notrump sequences
  2. Suit sequences
  3. Other ways of counting points
  4. When partner bids
  5. Notrump ranges in competition
  6. Practice Hands
  7. Test Yourself
  8. Solutions 
  9. Key Ideas

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More Information
Author Eddie Kantar
Difficulty Intermediate, Advanced
Topic Defense
Publisher Master Point Press
Date Published 2012

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