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25 Ways to Take More Tricks as Declarer: Part 1 - The Basics [Seagram/Bird]

AUD $  11.49

Join master bridge teachers Barbara Seagram and David Bird as they first show you the basic building blocks of declarer play.

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Then move on to learning how to make a plan at the start of each hand, how to count the opponents' hands and then use that information, and how to keep a dangerous opponent from getting the lead. Finally you'll be ready for more advanced techniques that you may think are beyond you: safety plays, dummy reversals, eliminations and throw-ins.

Loaded with good, easy-to-understand advice, along with chapter-end quizzes, key-point summaries and a glossary of technical bridge terms, this book is sure to help you become a better declarer, and a popular partner. 

25 Ways to Take More Tricks as Declarer Part 1 of 3: The Basics includes:
-- Foreword
-- Introduction
-- Chapter 1: The Simple Finesse
-- Chapter 2: Ruffing Losers
-- Chapter 3: Establishing a Suit
-- Chapter 4: Discarding Losers
-- Chapter 5: The Hold-Up Play at Notrump
-- Chapter 6: Other Types of Finesse
-- Chapter 7: Safety Plays Within One Suit
-- Glossary 


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More Information
Author Barbara Seagram / David Bird
Difficulty Intermediate
Topic Play
Publisher Master Point Press
Date Published 2003

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