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Should I or Shoudn't I? [Smith]

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Should your draw trumps immediately... or not? That's a question that stumps of lot of players.

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If you thought this was an easy question to answer, then you are partly right. One same hands you should draw trumps straight away but on many hands you should not. When declaring the hand, you should (!) have most of the cards in the trump suit, but sometimes using these trumps to best effect isn't always straightforward.

In this book, Marc Smith discusses those less straightforward deals where you cannot simply draw trumps and claim. You might need ruffs in the short hand, or perhaps a crossruff is theonly way to make your contract. You might have entry problems, or poor trumps. Sometimes you need to look out for and guard against a bad break, either in trumps or in a side suit.

All these scenarios and more are discussed, as the reader is shown not only how to handle these problems in the play but also how recognise them early enough at the table

You are sure to  become a significantly better declarer as a result.

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More Information
Author Marc Smith
Difficulty Intermediate
Topic Play
Publisher Master Point Press
Date Published 2016
Pages 240

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