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Six Steps to Winning Declarer Play [Apfelbaum]

AUD $  24.99

If you want to become a better declarer, then this is just the book for you.

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Far too many players are unsure about how to play a bridge hand as declarer. Should you draw trumps immediately or not? What about counting winners and losers? Should thye consider the possibity of bad breaks?

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider. With this book you learn what questions to ask as soon as you see dummy. Each of the 52 example hands set out follow the same process - the author goes through the same six questions, and how you can arrive at the best plan to play the hand.

The examples range from quite straightforward to fairly complex, but you will eventually learn to answer the questions for yourself and use this information to best play the hand.

Everyone who reads this book and then applies what they have learnt is sure to become a better declarer.

More Information
Author Jay Apfelbaum
Difficulty Intermediate
Topic Play
Publisher Master Point Press
Date Published 2016
Pages 120
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