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Roman Key Card Blackwood
The key to better slam bidding.
Topics covered in this pamphlet include:
- Simple blackwood
- Roman key card blackwood
- Which suit is trumps?
- Locating the trump king
- Locating the trump queen
- Locating the trump queen after a 5♣ or 5♦ reply
- 10 trumps = the trump queen
- 5NT asking for kings
- Strategy foir bidding small slams
- Strategy for bidding grand slams
- Ambiguity with 5♣ or 5♦
- Asker signs off after 5♣
- Asker signs off after 5♦
- Control asking bids
- Replies to the control ask
- Cue bid first, RKC later
- Roman key card gerber
- 3NT as roman key card blackwood
- Minor suit roman key card blackwood
- Roman key card blackwood after a splinter