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How to Play 3NT

AUD $  36.95

3NT is the most often-played contract in bridge.

Availability: In stock

An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.

Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:

  • The combination of voice and visual effects makes it easier to understand what Marty is teaching.
  • The lesson is interactive, so students "learn by doing."
  • You can proceed at your own pace.
  • You can play and replay all or some of the lesson whenever you choose as many times as you like.
  • The lesson includes a written easy to read transcript for you to study.
  • The lesson contains several hours of extensive material.
  • The lesson is designed to work on most popular computers and browsers, including Windows, Mac, and iPad.

Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.

In this lesson:

Almost 20% of all deals are played in 3NT. When playing 3NT, there are many possible things to think about when dummy is tabled. For each deal, Marty will explain exactly what you should think about to decide the best way to play the hand.

In this lesson, Marty will discuss:

  • -  How to make the most of your long suits
  • -  How to maximize your entries
  • -  How to make hands without risking a finesse
  • -  How to give yourself an extra chance
  • -  How to take advantage of clues from the opponents' auction
  • -  When should you play differently at matchpoints

Here is an example of what Marty will discuss in the lesson:

South is the declarer in 3NT. West leads the 6.

How would you play?


Contract: 3NT by South
Opening Lead: 6

You'd have to be very lucky to set up spades, so your best chance to make 3NT is to win a lot of club tricks.  Your only outside entry is in hearts. You must save your QJ for later and win the first trick with dummy's A.

Obviously, you will lead the ♣K at trick 2. As expected, East follows with a low club. However, it would be wrong for you to follow with a low club.

With your 4 winners in the red suits, you need only 5 club tricks. If clubs are 3-3, 9 tricks are easy. But the odds are against a 3-3 break.

However, if either opponent started with a doubleton club honor, as long as you overtake the ♣K with your ♣A, because of your ♣98 you can still make the contract.

After overtaking the ♣K with the ♣A, you cash the ♣Q. On the actual hand, West drops the ♣10 on the second round. Excellent! You can now confidently continue with the ♣9, East will win his ♣J, but you can get back to your hand with a heart.

You cash the ♣8, removing East's last club. It's now easy to cash your last TWO clubs. That brings you up to 7 tricks. Your last 2 winners are dummy's high diamonds. Making 3.

An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.

Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:

  • The combination of voice and visual effects makes it easier to understand what Marty is teaching.
  • The lesson is interactive, so students "learn by doing."
  • You can proceed at your own pace.
  • You can play and replay all or some of the lesson whenever you choose as many times as you like.
  • The lesson includes a written easy to read transcript for you to study.
  • The lesson contains several hours of extensive material.
  • The lesson is designed to work on most popular computers and browsers, including Windows, Mac, and iPad.

Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.

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An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.

Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:

  • The combination of voice and visual effects makes it easier to understand what Marty is teaching.
  • The lesson is interactive, so students "learn by doing."
  • You can proceed at your own pace.
  • You can play and replay all or some of the lesson whenever you choose as many times as you like.
  • The lesson includes a written easy to read transcript for you to study.
  • The lesson contains several hours of extensive material.
  • The lesson is designed to work on most popular computers and browsers, including Windows, Mac, and iPad.

Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.

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