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Bridge Baron FAQs

On how many computers can I install Bridge Baron?
You can install Bridge Baron on up to three of your own computers.
Will Bridge Baron work on my phone or tablet?
Yes and No.
The version of Bridge Baron we sell is only suitable for Windows or Macintosh computers. If you would prefer to play Bridge Baron on your phone or tablet, please check your phone's app store for more information.
Where do I find my Bridge Baron serial number?
As soon as your purchase of Bridge Baron is complete, our systems send you an email with download, installation and activation instructions. Included in this email is your Bridge Baron serial number. Sometimes these emails got caught by email Spam...
Can Bridge Baron run on a local network ?
In theory yes, but we are not in a position to offer technical support in this regard.
It looks like the Bridge Baron I have is just a trial version
When you download and install Bridge Baron you only have a cut-down version with limited features until you activate the game (Step 3 of the installation instructions).
Once you've completed Step 3, shut down and restart Bridge Baron and you will...
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