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Marty Bergen Lesson FAQs

Are Marty Bergen lessons refundable?
We cannot and do not offer a refund on MartyBergen lessons once they are received and activated by the customer.
Will Marty Bergen lessons work on my MAC computer?
Yes they will ! Marty's lessons run in your computer browser - so that means you can play them on any computer, tablet or smart phone.
How do I access my Marty Bergen Lessons ?
As soon as you place your order, we send the order to Marty Bergen. Within about a day or so, a member of his team will contact you via email with all the information you need to access your lesson.
Can I play my Marty Bergen lesson on multiple devices?
No - only on one computer / tablet or phone. After you order a Marty Bergen lesson, you are sent an email with activation instructions. You will receive an activation link that can only be run on one computer or browser...
Can I buy the Transcript only of Marty Bergen's 'How to improve your results at Duplicate Bridge'?
No, Marty Bergen lessons come as a package - the lesson and the transcript together as a bundle.
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