Defense is often regarded as the most difficult area of bridge.
An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.
Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:
Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.
In this lesson:
This lesson concentrate on trying to defeat contracts of 4 of a major. Just as there is more to think about when declaring 4 of a major than playing in 3NT, the same is certainly true when on defense.
A good defender resembles a detective. He is constantly seeking clues, starting with the opponents' bidding. When dummy is tabled, both defenders must then stop and reflect on that new source of information. In addition, the opening leader's partner has the opportunity to consider the implications of the opening lead.
Wow! All that, and we're only at trick one!
This lesson will significantly improve your defense.
The 15 challenging deals will provide an opportunity to provide a better understanding of ALL of the following:
Here is an example of what Marty will discuss in this lesson:
Contract: 5♦ by South.
Opening Lead: ♣Q
You win West's club ♣Q with the ♣A, as South follows with the ♣K. What would you lead at trick 2?
You and dummy have 21 HCP, and partner's opening ♣Q lead marks him with 3 HCP in clubs. Based on South's two jump bids, declarer must have all of the missing honors. Since your ♠K is favorably placed for declarer, he will have plenty of tricks once trumps are drawn.
Therefore, your only hope is to cut declarer off from dummy's heart winners.
At trick 2, you must return a heart. Declarer will win in dummy and lead a trump. You must then rise with your ace and lead your last heart.
If declarer leads dummy's ♠Q, you must not cover. Because you can trump the third round of hearts, unless declarer started with eight diamonds, there is no longer any way for him to make 5♦.
Here is the entire deal:
An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.
Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:
Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.
Platform | Any browser |
An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.
Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:
Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.