The key to good defense is good signals. And without good signals, even an expert will sometimes misdefend.
An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.
Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:
Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.
This very special lesson includes the following bonus sections:
The Real Truth About Signals
The key to good defense is good signals. And without good signals, even an expert will sometimes mis-defend.
Because defense is so difficult, the best pairs are constantly exchanging information with their attitude, count and suit-preference signals. And if experts need all that info from their partner in order to have a chance to defend accurately, it must be all the more critical for a non-expert.
Players reluctant to signal in fear of helping declarer are as wrong as they could be. If your partner will or might benefit from your signal - give it.
It is important to keep in mind that whether partner encourages or discourages, he is NOT giving a command. He is simply expressing his opinion based on the information available to HIM.
As important as it is to give an accurate signal, your partner MUST exercise good judgment in interpreting your spot card. On some deals a 3 could be encouraging, or an 8 could be discouraging. When asked if a 6 is high or low, Marty's answer is "YES."
Here is an example of what Marty will discuss:
Contract: 4♥
Lead ♠Q
After a quick auction, you lead the ♠Q. Partner plays the ♠8 and declarer follows with the ♠7. How will you defend?
Answer to "How will you defend?"
Trick 1: You won the ♠Q. Your partner played the ♠8 and declarer played the ♠7.
If declarer could have won the first trick, he would have. Your partner is marked with the ♠A and ♠K, so it seems automatic to continue spades. However, if you do so, you are ignoring two factors.
Your partner signaled with his lowest spade. This attitude signal said that he was discouraging a spade continuation. Partner could have won the opening lead by overtaking your queen, but he preferred to leave you on lead. Based on #1 and #2, what should you conclude? Your partner must be void in a minor! In that case, it's up to you to find his void. You and dummy have a total of 10 clubs, but only 8 diamonds.
So your correct defense is to shift to a club. Once partner gets his club ruff, he will revert to spades. You will sit back and hope that partner can take two additional tricks.
As you can see in the diagram of the full deal below, if you found the club shift, 4♥ will be down 1. Declarer will ruff the third round of spades with the ♥Q and cash the ♥A. Partner's ♥K will take the setting trick. If you had led a spade at trick 2, the defense would be limited to three tricks.
In conclusion, here are two crucial principles of signaling that all players MUST be aware of:
After showing a suit in the auction, when partner leads your suit, if it is possible for you to like the suit, you are still obligated to give an attitude signal. That is true regardless of the type of bid (or lead-directing double) you made. No matter what action you took, you didn't GUARANTEE that after seeing the dummy and the cards played at trick 1, you would want to encourage your partner to continue the suit. "Later takes priority." Whatever partner tells you in the defense carries more weight than anything he said in the auction.
Here is the full deal:
An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.
Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:
Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.
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An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.
Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:
Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.