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How's Your Declarer Play?

AUD $  36.95

Learn to take more tricks more often.

Availability: In stock

An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.

Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:

  • The combination of voice and visual effects makes it easier to understand what Marty is teaching.
  • The lesson is interactive, so students "learn by doing."
  • You can proceed at your own pace.
  • You can play and replay all or some of the lesson whenever you choose as many times as you like.
  • The lesson includes a written easy to read transcript for you to study.
  • The lesson contains several hours of extensive material.
  • The lesson is designed to work on most popular computers and browsers, including Windows, Mac, and iPad.

Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.

In this lesson:
Once dummy is tabled, and before you play a card, after counting your winners (or losers), you must STOP, THINK, and make a plan. There are many areas you must address. Here are several of the most important ones:

A. How do you plan to reduce your number of losers (or increase your number of winners)?

B. Identify the key suit to work on.

  • In a notrump contract, it is NOT always your longest combined suit. Frequently, it is a suit where you are missing the ace.
  • In a suit contract, if declarer's hand includes 4+ cards in a side suit, that is often the suit you must address.

C. What technique should you use in this key suit?

There are many possibilities, such as taking a finesse or losing a loser early.

D. Trumps

  • How many trump do the opponents have?
  • Should you draw trump ASAP? (More often than not, the correct answer is NO.)

In this lesson, Marty will show you how to:

  • - Give yourself an extra chance to make the hand.
  • - Be more knowledgeable in deciding whether to draw trump.
  • - Overcome bad splits.
  • - Succeed no matter which opponent has a missing honor.
  • - Draw helpful inferences about the opening leader's hand from the card he led.
  • - Take advantage of subtle clues from a revealing auction.
  • - Know when and how to execute an endplay (even in NT).
  • - Become more proficient in not being dependent on a finesse.
  • - Use a discovery play to avoid a guess.'
  • - Make a deceptive play that rates to succeed.

Here is an example of what Marty will teach:

Contract: 3NT

Lead: ♠Q


West leads the ♠Q against your 3NT contract.

How will you play?

Answer To How will You Play?

You play a spade from dummy. East follows with the ♠2.

You have 8 obvious winners: 2 spades, 1 heart, 1 diamond, 4 clubs. You would NOT like a heart shift, so you must win the first spade. Your only chance for a 9th trick is to win a trick with the Q. But your only realistic hope of doing so is to lead toward it and hope East has the K so that you can eventually win two diamond tricks. But as is usually true after an auction of 2NT - 3NT, entries to dummy are scarce.

What you want to do is enter dummy to lead a diamond towards your queen. If East rises with the K, your Q is a winner. But since the Q is now singleton, when you do cash it, you still need a way to get back to dummy in another suit to win the A.

But dummy's only entry outside of diamonds is the ♣K. Or is it? Might dummy's meager hand include an additional entry?

Did you take a close look at dummy's clubs? The fact that dummy's ♣5 is higher than your ♣4 gives you hope. Perhaps the ♣5 can be used as a 2nd entry.

Now you are ready to play the hand. Win the opening spade lead and cash the ♣A and the ♣Q. Both opponents follow. Great! That's a start. You can now afford to overtake your ♣J with dummy's ♣K. That removes the opponents' last club, so dummy's ♣5 is now an entry.

You now lead dummy's 2. East goes up with the K. Excellent!! For the first time you are looking good. Regardless of what East leads, your contract is assured.

Once you regain the lead, you will unblock the Q. You will then lead your carefully preserved ♣4 to dummy's ♣5 and cash the A. Making 3NT.

Here is the full deal:

An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.

Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:

  • The combination of voice and visual effects makes it easier to understand what Marty is teaching.
  • The lesson is interactive, so students "learn by doing."
  • You can proceed at your own pace.
  • You can play and replay all or some of the lesson whenever you choose as many times as you like.
  • The lesson includes a written easy to read transcript for you to study.
  • The lesson contains several hours of extensive material.
  • The lesson is designed to work on most popular computers and browsers, including Windows, Mac, and iPad.

Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.

More Information
Platform Any browser

An exciting and new audio-visual and interactive teaching method from Marty Bergen.

Marty's audio visual format significantly enhances your learning experience:

  • The combination of voice and visual effects makes it easier to understand what Marty is teaching.
  • The lesson is interactive, so students "learn by doing."
  • You can proceed at your own pace.
  • You can play and replay all or some of the lesson whenever you choose as many times as you like.
  • The lesson includes a written easy to read transcript for you to study.
  • The lesson contains several hours of extensive material.
  • The lesson is designed to work on most popular computers and browsers, including Windows, Mac, and iPad.

Approximate running time of this lesson: 110 minutes.

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